Hello and welcome to the #1 Katy, Texas air conditioning blog with video content.
As I often do on this residential air conditioning video blog I like to take real stories that occur naturally in my line of air conditioning service and HVAC repair. I choose to not only write my own AC stories I also choose to tell my HVAC stories with video content. The air conditioning repair video I create has more than one purpose. The main purpose is to show you I am who I say I am, I can do what I say I can do. I am well aware of enthusiasts that are in this for clicks and notoriety. Be very careful exactly who it is you are garnering your information from, your house financial well being is at stake here.
I’ve used the so called professional websites who often times generate a bunch of nonsense that for someone like me ( A Texas Licensed HVAC Contractor TACLB28416E ) all of this is an ever growing challenge to compensate for.
Now that AI is on the scene or even a so called professional text writer has trouble with “context”. Because maybe they are a professional writer or artificial intelligence to mimic one but that doesn’t make them a professional in terms of HVAC equipment and defining what they mean with context. What do I mean by that?

Most people outside of the HVAC realm typically choose an HVAC system based off the name of the brand. This story is unique because the name of this brand I am talking about today is a well recognized and often considered a premier air conditioning brand in some cases it is called “the best” depending on who you are listening to.
Often times in this situation customers looking for HVAC solutions do not realize there is much more to this than meets the eye as over the years things have changed in HVAC and more changes are on the way. Let’s only look at the box and the name that is on the side of it. Let’s not choose something based on what it does and how it does it. I realize budget constrains can be an issue for some of you. This is partly why my air conditioning website exists to help you make better choices. Running from one HVAC contractor to another based on some perceived “deal” is often regretted in 3 years or less. I tell it like it is here, I am not out to sell you a gimmick. I have repaired more Trane equipment than I have replaced with new equipment. This particular story I tell in the video just so happens to be a time in which replacing part of the system was the better choice for this customer.
If the name on the air conditioning box is one that we recognize and the perception is it’s a good or better brand everything will work out in the end? So this particular story is to put some doubt in your mind as to how good or how bad just choosing a name brand can be. Keep in mind this story has played out countless times with varying different circumstances not to mention entirely different AC brands and I don’t always get the job because the gimmick of Trane equipment in general is a very powerful distraction to the bigger picture that is taking shape in the HVAC market as I type this Katy, Texas air conditioning repair video blog post.
The Trane AC repair video embedded below tells various parts of this better than what I can explain via text. But there are a number of things that the video doesn’t cover or just brushes (touches) the surface of. The HVAC system in your home is complicated for a wide variety of reasons. No two homes are exactly alike. No two people are exactly alike. The comfort goals of the home the people in the home and the budget of such. If this air conditioning subject were “easy” this post or the included embedded video would be a fraction of the length they are.
The Trane AC repair video (embedded below) is nearly 30 minutes long. It’s best to watch the whole video with no distractions. The whole purpose of my Katy, Texas air conditioning repair website is to show you I know how to do it. It is to show you I have the experience and know how to fix your HVAC system (regardless of the brand) and put you in a better position than you find yourself in. There are critical changes to HVAC residential market coming in 2025. These changes are only going to make things more complicated than they are now. ( I don’t make training videos. I am here to do the air conditioning work for you, not teach you or someone else to do it.)
I know you’re reading my Katy, Texas air conditioning blog right now for a reason? People don’t come here without reasons? Yeah it’s me Ray Austin telling you this. HVAC is what I do. I know my business and “if” I come to your house I am going to know your business too. Your HVAC equipment will tell me a story and it will become part of my story if you so choose to trust me with your comfort solution. To be clear my definition of a HVAC solution is not a gimmick. My definition of an AC solution is one that fixes the problem you have now without creating new problems. The AC solution isn’t determined by the name on the side of a box 9 times out of 10. It is to put you in the best possible position with what is coming in HVAC and what you have right now. My solution for you will take into consideration how long you plan to keep your current residence and what your goals may be concerning that situation. I can only do this in person. I am not here to play guessing games with your comfort.
HVAC is a very competitive market. Various companies will use various tactics to convince you they are better than some other HVAC company doing the same or similar things for your home cooling needs. Often times they use “free” enticements to lure you into their trap. This isn’t to suggest that replacing your entire HVAC isn’t needed. This is typically determined by age. If you’re not paying for this determination, the odds are you’re likely to be duped. In some situations it could be about the condition of the equipment. To an amateur how would you really know?
It’s not uncommon for home owners to pay me to go back to an AC unit that was repaired by another company. Or take over where that company may have left off due to the lack of real AC repair service. This kind of HVAC service isn’t free. Whether you have a manufacturer warranty or not, there is no warranty of any kind on an AC system that was improperly installed. Improperly installed by another HVAC company in most cases means? It means the AC turns on and off but it doesn’t work. What does work mean? Cool. The climate of Katy, Texas is hot, humid and uncomfortable climate without AC. We separate the men from the boys in the HVAC industry every year when the heat switch flips. The hotter it is outside will determine really fast how good or not so good your air conditioner will perform. Your AC doesn’t cool by magic. Your AC doesn’t cool because of the name on the side of the box. Anyone can install a new air conditioner. Making it work right, is where we separate the men from the boys in the Katy, Texas HVAC market.
Just because your AC turns on and off doesn’t mean it’s working. This machine doesn’t work by magic. Often times people try to self diagnose what might be wrong (even if their AC unit has been serviced in a while).
When the heat wave comes the comfort complaints follow to the tune of things like:
“My AC isn’t cooling that good. I think it might need some Freon”.
If it’s really hot outside it may be something like this:
“My AC is running but it’s blowing hot air…. I think it needs some Freon”.
Maybe someone gets a high electric bill and thinks something like this:
“There must be something wrong with my AC, my electric bill is too high… I think it probably needs some Freon.”

This sort of thing is common as the day is long. You notice a familiar thing mentioned above? Almost always people like to assume all it needs is some Freon (refrigerant). You might be surprised to know that nearly 90% of all air conditioning problems are electrically related. The video embedded above demonstrates this to a Tee. While Freon (refrigerant) leaks are a common problem, it’s not the only problem.
This is why the freebie call is dangerous. What do I mean by freebie? Context is important here because it tells you specifically what is meant and give you little room to “make something up” in your head. It’s not intended to belittle you… it’s intended for clarity so you understand what is meant by what is said.
Let me explain a freebie call to you: There are big HVAC companies that exist for the sole purpose of getting a salesman in your door. That salesman is paid (not by collecting a service fee) but by putting you into a high pressure sales situation. If it’s hot like 95F or hotter and you’re losing sleep, having to take off from work to wait for them to show up… all for the sake of a “free no obligation” opinion that is going to pay that salesman what is good for him and often times not so good for you. The free no obligation opinion is going to cost you time and probably a lot more than that if they sucker you. If you’re younger time is of little concern, you’re more concerned of the cost of something you likely have little to no experience with and you’re scared is my guess. HVAC equipment replacement is typically a once in 15 year event from a national average standpoint. I know this, you reading this probably do not.
The climate of Katy, Texas is mostly warmer. Furnaces here can last a long time, because HVAC equipment failures is often related to how much you use it. We use air conditioning here much more than we do heating. So this is why air conditioning problems here are often always a concern. You better be hiring AC service people you trust. If a tech is paid on commission, his livelihood is directly tied to what stuff the tech can sell you. Often times it’s things like accessories to your HVAC system that you don’t really need. Many of those accessories will require maintenance on a regular basis, if that maintenance isn’t performed the accessory won’t continue to work and as such the money you spent on it is wasted in as little as 1 year.
HVAC problems happen when they are least expected to happen. So these HVAC companies offering the “free no obligation” opinion is primarily there to sell you. This job that I show in the Trane AC repair video above doesn’t touch on the whole story because it’s difficult to put some of this stuff into a video. Plus I don’t want to negate the value of the text part of this air conditioning repair story to tell you other things and explain things the embedded Trane AC repair video above doesn’t delve into. Statistics tell me that I lose a good chunk of viewers after about 3-4 minutes. So if I make a nearly 30 minute video to explain a complex subject like HVAC most are scurrying to the next opinion. (Make sure you don’t fall into this statistic, it may cost you in ways you may live to regret.)
Humans want a silver bullet (fancy way of saying gimmick for little to no money) solution to their HVAC system problems. How is it that you think the big HVAC companies got big by offering “free no obligation” opinions? They make it sound really good getting you to call them – it’s a ploy that made them big for obvious reasons. They’ll even provide financing and possibly offer no payments and no interest for a full year? They’ll pay your interest the first year too? Folks, this is a gimmick. The price you pay the interest is paid in advance. You think a big HVAC company got big because they’re paying interest payments to the bank? Like I said people want to believe on perception rather than reality.
There might be a few of you who stumble across my ac repair blog post and come to the infamous conclusion that this post is a sham, scam or whatever because I actually replace the Trane AC in the video embedded above rather than really repair it in the sense that I replace the compressor rather than the whole AC condenser. The context I provide here is lost based on what people “think” should be done versus what is in their best interest.
It costs more money to replace the condenser than replacing the compressor? The price of everything is up since 2020. The cost of refrigerant is up over 400% since that time. Things are changing in HVAC in 2025, but 2025 is not here yet. The video touches on the “why” I replaced the condenser as opposed to just replacing the compressor. But you have to pay attention very closely… listen.
So what did I leave out of the Trane Air Conditioning Repair Katy Texas video?
I was actually the second HVAC company called to this house. I was referred to this home owner by a family member that resides in a different house. The first HVAC company was telling this home owner that the HVAC capacity was too small for this house. This is typically code for “Rip it all out and replace everything”. For an HVAC system that is not even 10 years old? I don’t know for sure but this was probably a “we’ll send you a free technician for no obligation” type HVAC company. I can only guess here I don’t know for sure.
If something else happens for this customer I’ll up date it in a coming video. If I fixed it once, I can fix it again. It will break again at some point in the future.
You may be thinking this from the video: If R410a refrigerant is being banned why would you recommend replacing a not so old condenser for a new R410a refrigerant condenser? R410a is going to be banned. How does this help this home owner?
Replacing a compressor in old unit is only going to give the home owner a 1 year warranty on the new compressor. If the condenser springs a Freon leak there’s no warranty on that. The fan motor fails, no warranty on that, starting components? Nope. This home owner recently purchased this home, they aren’t going anywhere. Longer term solution helps this home owner escape for a longer period as to what is coming in HVAC in 2025. Statistics. Remember I’ve been doing HVAC for nearly 30 years.
The R410a refrigerant ban is going to effect new equipment first. No new R410a equipment after December 31, 2024. The refrigerant itself will still be available but at higher cost. We currently do not know what the new refrigerants will cost. (R32 & R454b will be the new refrigerants in USA). Refrigerant leaks will have to be repaired regardless of the refrigerant. Either that or your wallet is drained every time your AC stops producing the cool.
Most USA HVAC manufacturers are choosing R454b. This will likely cost more, not less because part of it is a patented chemical and it is harder to produce. I cover this new R410a refrigerant ban situation and more in a 5 part You Tube series that I’ve coined as “Freon Wars” (refrigerant wars). This is currently a 2.5 hour video journey. It leaves nothing out. Nothing is uncovered. You will never be able to say Ray Austin didn’t inform you / warn you. NEVER. Click here.
R22 Freon (the old refrigerant) was banned too, but I can still buy it for repairs. It’s so expensive now that it’s often better to replace the equipment rather than pay for a refrigerant that is extremely expensive. There are knock offs that work like R22 Freon? Yes, but not as efficient. So your expensive light bill? Remember I have nearly 30 years in HVAC in 2023.
There isn’t any situation that I can’t defend my stance against (my opinion). I am a HVAC mechanic at the end of the day –spend some time on my website you’ll see I work on all brands. The common thing the brands all have is that they all break. It’s not my job to soothe your feelings with gimmicks. I tell you like it is for the simple reason I think you’re old enough to handle it.
There are ways to cut costs… these aren’t gimmicks though. You can’t rob Peter to pay Paul… you know like the “well give you a free opinion with no obligation” designed to get a high pressure sales person in your door.
You might be surprised how often it is that I am called 2nd, 3rd, sometimes 4th or 5th. Because all these other companies essentially do the same thing. They hire a bunch of techs / salesmen pay them on commission and if those techs don’t sell they don’t make any money. These HVAC companies want sales people. They don’t want repair people. It’s only getting worse due to what is about to happen… very soon there will be a “last call” for R410a equipment. The government isn’t going to allow dry shipped condensers like what occurred with R22 Freon equipment.
Big HVAC companies have to do this sales charade otherwise their so called techs would ride the clock. Can you imagine how fast a big HVAC company would go out of business if the techs they employed were paid an hourly wage with no reward for selling something? Who wouldn’t take the easy way out and just ride the clock? HVAC is big business and it’s about to get bigger. 2025. Tick Tock.
I can’t force you to think logically. I know these big HVAC company tricks because I was once a tech that was paid on commission. Big secret… now I work for you. It’s not free. My opinion is worth something. It’s not up for debate… I know you can handle it, you’re old enough to own a home you’re old enough for the truth.
The bigger point in all of this is: picking air conditioning based on a name that is only perceived as better? Is not truly better. It’s a myth. If the Trane AC repair video embedded above proves anything it should at least prove that in 4k butter your eyeball’s video content. I made this video to dispel the myth, it’s up to you to believe it.
Did I somehow miss something or said something that is not clear to you? Or do you have an air conditioning question or comment? That is what my you tube channel is for. Post your comment or question in the video comments section of the video you watched. Please act your age, profanity will not be tolerated on my you tube channel. I run a family HVAC business here, I service more than 1 generation of families in the Katy, Texas area. If you’ve had a lot of trouble with HVAC at your house I get it that you’re probably not too happy about it, but losing your “cool” isn’t going to help either.
A spin on what a big company often says on TV:
My mother said that if anything is worth being done it’s worth being done right. She also said that too many cooks in the kitchen will spoil the broth. Under those same guidelines imagine how many air conditioning problems might develop with your AC by having too many techs fumble with it.

Maybe you’re unaware? There is only one Ray Austin. There’s two sides to every coin, unless you’re a magician.
Thank you for visiting me today. As always I hope your day is comfortable.
About the author of the #1 Katy, Texas air conditioning blog with video content:
My name is Ray Austin. I am the owner and operator of Austin Air Companie, a HVAC Service Company serving Katy, Texas | Cypress, Texas | Richmond, Texas | Fulshear, Texas and some surrounding areas. I am a Texas Licensed HVAC Contractor with 29 years experience in Air Conditioning and Heating Systems as of 2023. I hold an AOS degree in HVAC/R, EPA universally certified to handle any refrigerant and NATE certified in HVAC installations and repairs.
I write my own AC blogs, create my own AC repair content via video filmed by me, I then edit that content so as to not bore you too much. Everything you see I do it myself. Hundreds and hundreds of your neighbors already know. You don’t need a spy balloon to see what is going on at your neighbor’s house. Subscribe to my you tube channel and you will be notified when your neighbors ac problem becomes my air conditioning trouble highlight reel.
I am not, nor have I ever been at the mercy of investors or any outside influence. I am skilled to serve those that call me – I offer solutions that will work – I am skilled to fix problems as they arise afterward. Important to note: I am a capitalist. Austin Air Companie is a for profit business. You will always need a skilled HVAC contractor, probably more so now (2023 and beyond) than at any other time before.
I also own a rental property so I have a unique understanding of this part of the real estate market. Due to the nature of rental real estate the challenges coming soon (2025) could shake things up in a profound way. Your tenants won’t keep paying higher rents without proper air conditioning in a hot climate.
Thank you for considering my HVAC services.
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Austin Air Companie
A Ray Austin HVAC Service Company
“Your home comfort from A to Z”
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